Host Healthcare

Host Healthcare

My role on this project was Lead Service Designer, working with several department leads and VPs at Host, a Jr Designer, PM, and an offshore Development team.

Onboarding Struggles With Legacy System

Host found that their customers, traveling nurses, were struggling to get through their onboarding process using a legacy desktop system. They were keen to streamline the onboarding process from their public-facing home page to a logged-in completed onboarding experience.

Led Service Design Efforts, Mapped Touchpoints, and Worked Across Departments

As Lead Service/Product Designer contracting for a company called Opus Match, I worked with each of the department heads to understand who their users were, where they were coming from, and what they were looking for in a traveling experience.

In order to do this, I used a template/tool I created called Touchpoints. This helped us map out all the existing touchpoints on a Service Design Blueprint which illustrated each digital and even physical touchpoint the Nurses experienced in their Journey

This helped us find all the points of friction on their journey and deeply informed the work we did on their app and home page.

  • Service Design Blueprint - Sketch

  • App Design - Sketch - Invision

  • Prototyping and testing - Invision, Zoom



Monthly Active Users following mobile app rollout with continued MoM growth.

One of the key stakeholders had this to say about the engagement:

Travis Duke

CMO-Host Healthcare

Our partnership with Opus Match helped us remove key pain points throughout the digital travel healthcare experience. This allowed us to reach our Travelers with the right message, in the right place, at the right time.

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I'm at my happiest when resolving challenges for businesses and users like yours. I'm available, so shoot me an email should you require any design help!

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I'm at my happiest when resolving challenges for businesses and users like yours. I'm available, so shoot me an email should you require any design help!

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